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tanzanite mining L.L.c

Silica Sand Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical

Silica Sand Brownish in color, fine to coarse, mostly medium in size. The quartz grains are Sub rounded to sub angular. The quarts grains are not well transparent & they have yellowish surface. Few percent of opaque grains are observed, Some of are probably glouconite.

Clay (Bentonite) Light gray to light green, silt-sized quarts grains are observed.

Silica Sand Light brown, the grains are sub angular to sub rounded. Angular grains are observed. Few percent of opaque greins and feldspars are observed , the grains size range from fine to Coarse, but they are mostly medium in size.

Clay Light brown

Kaoline whitish in Color

As2 But the grains are relatively coarser and more rounded

As2 But the grains are relatively coarser and more rounded

Silica Sand Very Coarse to granules in size most of them are non-transparent. Few dark - colored grains are observed too

Kaoline Whitish in Color, it has Smooth Surface.

As7 But the grains are coarser and almost rounded to sub rounded in shape. The grains range from fine - very coarse

Silica Sand Ferruginous, dark brown, reddish in color. It composed of sand- sized quarts grains Cemented by Fe oxides (Hematite!)

Silica Sand fine to medium in size, rarely Coarse grains are observed. It is Completely composed of quartz grains. few quantity feldspars! & opaque grains (3-5%). The grains are angular to sub angular in shape

Silica Sand The grains are mostly medium in size, but fine and coarser grains are also observed. The grains are sub angular to sub rounded in Shape. Most of quartz grains are transparent, but some are stand with yellow & brownish color, Dark- Color grains are also observed.